The young people are testing their skills for example in digital laser cutting, engraving workpieces digitally, programming their own codes with Calliope mini computers, exploring virtual reality in the xR Lab and taking a close look at digital prototypes of automobiles. They are also developing their own projects and will present them to their families and other interested people at the end of the week. Behind the DigiCamp are the educational institution of Bavarian industry (Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V.) and the employers’ associations of the Bavarian metalworking and electrical industries (bayme vbm). The aim is to bring young people with an interest in technology and natural sciences into contact with digital innovations at an early stage, and to inspire them to work in key fields of the future. The DigiCamps have existed since 2016, are part of the Technology – Future in Bavaria 4.0 initiative, and show how exciting and diverse digital and technical occupations can be.