“come with me” celebrates 10-year anniversary at Audi

“We are always happy to give young people a glimpse behind the scenes at Audi and, in doing so, to help them make career choices,” said Dieter Omert, Head of Vocational Training and Specialist Competence Development at AUDI AG. Together with bayme vbm CEO Bertram Brossardt, he welcomed the numerous guests and cooperation partners at the headquarters in Ingolstadt. The automobile manufacturer has been involved in the come with me project since the 2008/09 school year in order to get young people in fifth grade and up interested in technical careers. Audi’s regional partner schools are the Maria-Ward-Realschule Eichstätt, the Freiherr-von-Ickstatt-Realschule Ingolstadt, the Sir-William-Herrschel-Mittelschule Ingolstadt and the Maria-Ward-Realschule Neuburg. On every project day, one thing is the undisputed focal point: test yourself. bayme vbm CEO Brossardt emphasized: “This project has allowed us to give school students career-related information first hand and thus solicit interest in training in the M+E industry. The participating companies thus make a significant contribution to the career orientation phase.”

“Vorsprung durch Bildung” (Advantage through education) – an initiative of the Bavarian economy

In keeping with the theme of “Interest – Inform – Try it out,” come with me promotes long-term cooperation between secondary schools and companies in the metal and electrical industry (M+E industry). The project is the brainchild of the Bavarian M+E employers, bayme vbm. In this way, they are seeking to contribute to ensuring a new generation of specialists in commerce and technology. More at www.bildunginbayern.de/comewithme

Note to the media:
The come with me anniversary event on Thursday, October 10, begins at 1:30 p.m. Location: Audi Bildungszentrum, Hindemithstraße 27, 85057 Ingolstadt, entrance A, 2nd floor. Media representatives are cordially invited to attend. We will provide photos – they will be available for downloading from about 5 p.m. at www.audi-mediacenter.com.