Audi is the preferred address: top places in German employer rankings

“Vorsprung durch Technik” attracts the experts of tomorrow: This is proven by recent studies by consulting companies trendence* and Universum*. In both rankings, Audi is once again the preferred employer for young engineers in Germany. The company is also increasingly popular with young IT experts. University students have good job opportunities at Audi: This year, the brand with the Four Rings plans to recruit another 6,000 new employees worldwide. A large proportion of them will work on new innovations and will provide support with developing international production facilities.

Most engineering students and graduates in Germany want to work at Audi, as proven by the renewed double win in the two studies. “In connection with the mobility of the future, bold ideas and new concepts are required,” stated Board of Management Member for Human Resources Thomas Sigi. “Topics such as connectivity or piloted driving fascinate young development engineers and show what makes Vorsprung durch Technik so special at Audi.”

The rankings also indicate that high‑performing young people expect an ideal employer to provide not only innovative tasks, but also an attractive salary, individual development possibilities, security and a good work‑life balance. Students of business management confirmed Audi’s attractiveness with high rankings for these factors as well.

The company is also increasingly popular with sought‑after IT experts: In the Universum ranking, the brand with the Four Rings was seen as the best automobile manufacturer, taking fourth place after Google, Microsoft and Apple. In the trendence‑study, Audi moved up the ranking compared with last year, climbing from fifth to fourth place. “Any company that wants to attract IT experts has to promote its innovation potential,” explained Thomas Sigi. “At Audi, we do that with flat hierarchies, flexible working practices and a dynamic working environment. With us, specialists have the best possible conditions to shape the mobility of the future and to apply their creativity.”

Young people are increasingly attracted also by the company’s values. They appreciate Audi’s open corporate culture and strong social involvement, for example with schools, social institutions and regional cultural activities at the company’s various sites. The premium brand offers interested students numerous possibilities to come into contact with the company: More than 1,600 students passed through an internship in 2014 for example. Graduates also have additional entry opportunities through the Development Program for Academics (EfA) or by doing a doctoral thesis in collaboration with Audi. Talented young people can combine studies and practical experience at the company through the program “Studies and Experience in Practice” (StEP) at the Ingolstadt site and the cooperation with the Baden‑Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Neckarsulm.

In the context of its expansion, Audi intends to increase its product range to 60 models by the year 2020. The brand with the Four Rings will therefore invest more than 24 billion euros in new products and technologies by 2019, and is continually expanding its global production network. As it moves along this growth path, Audi will strengthen its workforce with additional experts. By the end of 2015, more than 6,000 new employees are to be recruited worldwide. About 4,000 of the new jobs will be offered at the German sites in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm. In line with its advancing internationalization, Audi has firmly established in its strategy the goal of being the “world’s most attractive employer.” With success: Already in 2014, the Audi Group was awarded multiple prizes as the top employer in Germany, Italy, Hungary and Belgium.