Ingolstadt, June 17, 2022 – Audi has decided to reduce emissions through its entire value chain. At first glance, it might seem surprising that its gastronomy services also play a small, but important role. However, that is cleared up on a closer look: sustainability with an eye toward what we eat means handling our resources carefully, protecting our environment, and avoiding long storage or transportation distances. Therefore, Audi’s gastronomy services consistently orient their offerings toward these criteria – and they do it across the entire value chain, from fostering regional suppliers to reducing carbon emissions to avoiding food waste in Audi’s company cafeterias. To mark the Day of sustainable gastronomy (June 18), Victoria Broscheit, head of Audi’s gastronomy services, sat for an interview about the company’s role as a multiplier for sustainable and healthy food, employees’ growing interest in conscious eating – and the question of why sustainability in gastronomy services is also a matter of attitude.
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